We write to say the words we cannot speak

Today Is Not Yesterday

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
~Alice in Wonderland

I’ve always liked this quote – for its basic truth that nothing can change the past, so we must focus on the future. We must push forward no matter how much we wish to dwell on the past. We’re always changing, learning, and growing. And that is something we must continue to do for ourselves.

It’s an important fact I have realized only recently, and it has changed how I view both the future and the past. After years of people pulling me one way or the other, I have learned that I need to figure it out for myself. If I keep following what everyone else wants me to do, will I ever learn who I truly am?

The simple answer to that is no.

But why not?

Well, if you continuously follow the lead of others you aren’t being true to yourself. It’s taken me nearly twenty years – all of my life – to understand this.

It’s a necessary evil to step out of the comfort zone for a few seconds. It brings new opportunities that we wouldn’t have had before if we hadn’t. And sometimes, those opportunities can change our life for the better. At least, that’s how I see it.

And here’s why.

Today, as this is published, I am turning twenty years old. A year from now I will probably have different, better advice for you. But all I know right now is that there are many opportunities that I might have missed. If I hadn’t stepped out of my comfort zone.

And sometimes we may fail. But that’s alright! Failure is normal. What’s not normal is all the pressure everyone is giving you. What’s not normal is how people tell you to move on, and then bring up the past. Sometimes they do that in the same breath!

Well remember this one thing:

Today is not yesterday!

You can change what you are going to do in the future. But you cannot change the past.

You are different from who you were before today, and you will be different again tomorrow. It’s important to remember for yourself: the past is still there, but it doesn’t have to affect the future.

More than that, don’t listen to those who bring you down, they aren’t worth it. Set goals for yourself and acknowledge that you may not accomplish every single one!

Personally, my main goal – every year – is to get my book published. It has been for the past seven or eight years. Has it happened yet? No. Is that okay? Yes.

So be proud of you!

Know who you are, learn what you want to learn. Be who you want to be. Don’t let anyone get in the way, no matter how hard that may be.

Hey lovelies!

Let me know any thoughts or comments you have! I’m always looking for feedback!

This post can be found here on the blog I write for on the side!


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